OFI 2121: How To Become A Corporate Pilot To Support Your Farm | Andrew Ambrose | Fly Twins LLC | Re-Cap Episode

How about sub-contracting as a corporate pilot as your form of off-farm income?  Seem impossible?  I would have thought it was unrealistic until I interviewed today’s guest, Andrew Ambrose.

Andrew owns his own business, Fly Twins LLC, and he farms 750 acres in Southeast Missouri in addition to that.  If that is not enough, he also owns his own excavating company.  As Andrew put it, it would not be uncommon to see him flying a corporate customer across the country in the morning and driving a combine that evening.  This is an interesting way to producing off-farm income.

If you are like I was, you probably think that costs to become certified and insured to fly corporate clients like Andrew does are exorbitant and would rule you out.  However, in this episode Andrew illustrates a very reasonable path to making this happen.  He knows the exact path, because he did it himself.

Andrew did not come out of the military, and he did not go to college for aeronautics.  When he was 30 years old he realized that if he did not learn to fly he would one day look back on his life and regret it.  So, he started taking private lessons.  One after another, he knocked down domino after domino.  Today, to support his farm, he flies corporate clients all over the United States and makes good money with zero overhead.

In this interview Andrew will talk about some of the things he did to build up his hours, allowing him to advance to the next level and ultimately make a living flying.  Also, he will tell you why FAA certifications are just one of the standards that you have to meet in order to fly commercially.

More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:



Andrew Ambrose
Fly Twins LLC

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OFI 2121: How To Become A Corporate Pilot To Support Your Farm | Andrew Ambrose | Fly Twins LLC | Re-Cap Episode

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